20 September 2011
LTNS Blogspot!
Well, we're all moved into the new place as of the first of August. Our issue is finding room to fit everything since we went down in sq ft and in closet space. We've gone through all the boxes, unpacked and repacked some things. And I'm missing a box of finished crochet goodies that all I had to do was photograph and then post for sale on Etsy :~( Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! (ala Lucielle Ball)
There were also, unfortunately, other things in the box like my pretty colored buttons for some of the things that needed to be photographed. And before we left the old place both my husband and I did more than one walk through each! So disappointed!
Trying not to let it get me down, so I've been working on some new things (check out the shop and the facebook page). Hopefully I'll have things to put up on Etsy as well as a stash because I'd like to do that Fall craft fair again that I did last November. Hopefully being in a new place with a new out look will get me going to get things done .. in a timely manner! Easier said than done with school back in full swing and a teething toddler. But I'll get there! :)
27 July 2011
Busy little bee
Got the approval on the new place and we are OUTTA here! We moved in on the 23rd of December 2008. In that time the neighborhood has gone so down hill so fast that Olympic skiers are amazed at the speed! From people beating the crap out of each other in their driveways, to the nut bar that beat up his girlfriend with a hammer, to having the street closed by the cops and a mobile CSI unit to investigate a few houses down. Yeah .. it's time to get OUT!
So I've been packing and packing. And throwing away a lot of things. And deciding what furniture goes, what stays, and what will go on the curb. Note to self: Don't forget to clear out the attic!! We can pick up the keys on Friday but won't officially start the lease until the 1st. Our new landlord said we could move in a few boxes ahead of time if we needed to. Might take over some of the clothes and boxes of dishes and things - small stuff we can use our van for. It'll also make it so we might save a trip in the UHaul too!
I feel bad for our duplex neighbors though since they own their 1/2. They are the nicest, sweetest people you could ever meet! They have kids too. And this neighborhood just isn't safe anymore! They're the only people I ever bothered getting to know and I'm actually going to miss living next door to them!
11 July 2011
Photographer's Delight Round 2!
Event: Photographer's Delight Round 2!
Runs: 12/July/2011 - 12/December/2011
Where: Here, there, and everywhere I can get a shipment delivered to.
Open to: Photographers
Details: If you buy an item to use as a prop and let me use one or two of the pictures to advertise my wares, you'll get 50% off your next prop.
Please note that since you will be receiving 50% off the second purchase, you wont be allowed to use the FB Fan discount code.
This promo is not limited to just baby items. The first and second props can be from different categories as well. If you request a custom order, the custom order can only be counted as a first item. You can use this promo as many times as you like during the event period.
If you have any questions please send a msg (subject Photographer's Delight) to the NRD FB Admin or via email (nellyrosedesigns@yahoo.com)
10 July 2011
Too busy for June .. on to July!
Then there's the no sleeping lately since Munchkin hasn't been sleeping thru the night. Growth spurt? Teething? Both?
But I've been getting back into crafting again after a bit of a hiatus. Hoping to get SOMETHING accomplished in what's left of this weekend! I told myself I was going to sit down and work on some UFOs (UnFinished Objects) before I start anything new. I'm sooooo close to finishing a dress I stopped working on over a year ago. Sat down with it today and FINALLY saw what I wanted to do to finish it! YAY! Except that I had to put it back down since I dont have any emroidery thread that matches the Crochet thread for the dress. GRRRRRR! And with only 3 working tires on the van, it's not like I can head to JoAnn's, Michael's or Walmart to get any!
So, now I'll look for something else to work on while trying NOT to think about finishing up that dress. (yeah right!)
11 May 2011
In with the new .. I hope
So .. what will it take to get things fresh and new? Well, I've been looking for a job for 3 years, so that's nothing new. I've been applying and getting bounce back messages that inform me that because of the overwhelming response, only those that will be considered for the job will be contacted for an interview. Yeah, makes sense. But just how long is said wait? When do I consider these jobs "lost causes"? That would be more helpful that the obvious "we're only contacting people to interview". Uh, yeah, got it. That's common sense. Still looking and finding it more and more disheartening as time passes. That, and frustrating!
Even more frustrating is our current living situation. We're paying way too much in rent for the type of place and neighborhood we currently reside in. Did a little research and come to find out that in the 2 years we've lived here we've paid just over 40% of the mortgage off. Yeah, I get that the guy needs to charge us more than his monthly mortgage to make a profit otherwise what would be the point for him. But for what we're paying, we could have bought the damn place! Then again, if we were actually buying, we wouldn’t buy here! Don’t get me wrong, our landlord can be a pretty nice guy. But nice only gets you so far. He bought this 1/2 of the duplex from the owner. Then we came to see it. You would think he could have at least swept the (*^*^(%!$# floor! We had to scrub the walls and paint, not mop but scrub the floors, rip out the contact paper in the cabinets and sand everything down to get beyond the filth that was UNDER the contact paper. This all came out of OUR pockets. Two months ago the glass & screen door fell out (not off, out) because of shoddy construction. I ended up scratched and bruised. He said he'd be by in a few days. Two months later and the door hasn’t been fixed.
The search for a new place is on! Looking for a better (safer) neighborhood. At the same time, we need to pay less in rent so that we can attempt to pay off bills and get caught up, and I need to find some form of income because the one isn’t enough. So the searches continue while we hang in limbo waiting for things to get better.
08 May 2011
A Nice Quiet Mother's Day
In other news, I've added yet ANOTHER site to my list making it 4 now. Yep .. that's right, in addition to an Etsy shop, a blog, and a facebook page, I'm now on betterfly as a knit/crochet teacher :) http://betterfly.com/nellyrose So I'm taking my "me" time to get my little site up and looking nice :) I announced the lessons on facebook a few days ago. And now I'm getting some advertising in thee. Only thing is ... the car died yesterday. Again! *grumble!* Hopefully when our real estate lady gets back on Monday there will be good news and we can get out of this over priced ghetto and then get the car fixed. Damn Catch 22s!
Well, not going to let it ruin my day :) I think I'm going to go put on the kettle, have a cuppa (with my feet up if I'm lucky enough) and then get back to work around here.
26 April 2011
Gearing up ... for a nap
But in reality I have a million and one things to do. I just lack the drive at the moment. Counting down to Munckin's first birthday (4/30). So much left to do, so little time. And all I want is a nap! Munchkin hasn't been sleeping much (or all that well) lately because he cutting load of teeth all at once. Which means no sleep for Mommy too.
All that while trying to homeschool Goober, take care of the house, work on the couponing so we can save some money where we can to apply the savings to thing that they dont have coupons for ... like electric, water, gas, get things together for the BDay party (I'm doing all the cooking/baking), looking for a new place to live, packing up knick knacks here and there so they are ready to go when we find a place, and trying to find some down time so I dont burn out while constantly logging into email to see if I got the job I applied for. Nerve wracking indeed!
Unforunately that leaves me no time to craft :( Maybe after the party I'll have time to craft again (I hope).
03 April 2011
Counting Down
Some times I wish there were more hours in the day or if I had an extra set of hands or some help around the house. That would be lovely!
And I'd LOVE a keyboard to replace the one my husband got 2 months ago. Our old keyboard was on the blink, so my husband went looking for a new one. He got a wireless with a wireless mouse. I think we got the dud in the lot! So, having just spent 20+ mins typing (and retyping) this up, that's now all the incentive I need to get the hell off the computer and get to work. Le Sigh!
28 March 2011
Such a blah kind of day
I'm still nursing a pretty horrible case of sunburn that I got across my back and backs of my upper arms on Saturday. Add that to the head cold, nasty throat & tonsils and it's the makings for a "get nothing accomplished" sort of day. BUT .. on top of the lovely pile of *ouch* and *eww* there's a teething 10m old. 2 had already broken the surface and are on their way to full on out. 2 more have just broken the surface in the past 2 days. So that's 4 of the little suckers coming in at once. That makes for a VERY cranky munchkin! FINALLY got him to lay down for a nap, but between the pain (even after orajel and tylenol!) and the thunder, he's having a very restless kind of nap - poor little guy! Even Kipper isnt making him smile all that much.
Goober has a laundry list of make up assignments (we put his Spring Break 2 weeks ahead of his virtual school's break) so I figured today would be a great day to sit, listen to the rain, and get to work on the million and one new crafty ideas swirling thru my head. I've got an Etsy Showcase coming up on the 14th and want to get more things in there before hand. I dont think much will get done today though :(
The bright side of today is that tonight's dinner is soup and I made the base and froze it mid-last week. All I'll have to do, is pop it in a pot, add the rest of the ingredients "et voilá" dinner is served! Just wish I had some orange juice in the house to chug while I wait until it's time to start dinner. But we ran out and since it's a downpour I wont be popping out to pick any up (Damn you Murphy's Law!!) but there's plenty of tea in this house. And, should the storm interrupt the power - the stove is gas :)
17 March 2011
Fingers to the "grind stone"
Last week our computer got a virus. When we got the "screen of doom" the memory card from my camera was in the hard drive. Somehow it zapped all the pictures I had taken. Lovely! I hate to admit it, but I was glad that it was only pictures of my wares. THOSE are easily replaced .. just take them again. Pictures of kids over the past 2 weeks .. those can't really be retaken.
So I've retaken the pictures (of the finished baby hats) and they are now up in the shop. I have the pictures set for the "Elora" hat, but I'm not going to post them yet until little Elora gets her hat in the mail. Dont want to ruin the surprise or anything. ;)
Just a little bit of time to blog between loads of laundry (lol). I still need to go get those crocheted flowers from the bedroom to see how they came out. Munchkin's been having a hard time with sleeping at night because of his teeth (FINALLY) coming in that I didnt want the light to bother him, so I crocheted the flowers by light of the TV. It wasn't a complicated pattern (easily memorized) but it was a newbie to me. But it was nice to have my feet up while I crocheted. And Stevie Ray Vaugh on PBS was great to listen to while crocheting. :)
.... And then the Munchkin woke up and said "Feed Me! I'm Hungry!" or rather "Errrrm *grunt*" Haha
Dont forget to visit the FB page for your new coupon code and to see what other crafty fun I've been up too lately!
Click Here For The FB Page :)
12 March 2011
Photographer's Delight
Event: Photographer's Delight
Runs: 12/March/2011 - 12/June/2011
Where: Here, there, and everywhere I can get a shipment delivered to.
Open to: Photographers
Details: If you buy an item to use as a prop and let me use one or two of the pictures to advertise my wares, you'll get 50% off your next prop.
Please note that since you will be receiving 50% off the second purchase, you wont be allowed to use the FB Fan discount code.
This promo is not limited to just baby items. The first and second props can be from different categories as well. If you request a custom order, the custom order can only be counted as a first item. You can use this promo as many times as you like during the event period.
If you have any questions please send a msg (subject Photographer's Delight) to the NRD FB Admin or via email (nellyrosedesigns@yahoo.com)
03 March 2011
And they are listed!
But I've now gotten 3 hats and 5 baby cocoon/hat sets up for sale. :)
Got a call from a friend today that a group she's in is having a silent auction for a women's group she's a part of. I have so many idea swirling of things to make to send to her. That will have to wait until I feel better though. :/
02 March 2011
No more slump! - Woohoo!
I've gotten on such a crochet kick lately that I feel "off" when I don’t have a hook in my hand. I've even taken to popping them in my hair clip or ponytail like I did with pens back in the day at my father's restaurant. The creative slump is over!
I just can’t help myself! I've got a head full of ideas and wish I could create as fast as my brain is working! I dove into my stash of yarn with childlike abandonment. I went wild. I took out that skein of yarn that's "so nice and I only have so much so I don’t know what to make". I made 2 hats - one Preemie (2-lb) and one that's 9-18M. I was having so much fun, I didn’t care that the yarn was 70% wool (which I'm allergic too). Some time you have to "suffer" for your art. I had so much fun I didn't care. Still a bit itchy and I keep having to clear my throat .. but they came out really cute and I had so much fun! (And, yes, many people would say "You should have taken Benadryl before you started!" Would if I could but I'm allergic to that too! Haha). The only downside was I've hd the yarn for about 18 months and after finally using it and falling in love with it out of the skein I found out that it was discontinued. :( Wish I'd bought more
Hubby has the day off from work today. I'm putting him in charge of the home schooling so I can get a few things done around the house. Then it's back to the yarn. Though before I start creating, I do need to take care of the photographing/posting side of things. THEN it will be straight back to the yarn ;)
I have LOADS of sewing ideas swirling too. The one UFO (Un Finished Object)I have only has hand sewing left. I'm itching (not from wool - haha) to get back on my machine though. Haven't used my Singer since October when I had a custom order for a Halloween costume. But .. not always so easy to do with a 10 month old (I really can’t believe he's 10 months old already! Time sure does fly!)
Time for another cup of coffee I think before I end up in the Land of Nod. With Munchkin teething pretty badly I was woken up at 6.30 by screaming. I finally got him to go back to sleep 2 hours later. Goober and Hubby are still asleep, so with the house this quiet this early I would like to nap. But I know I need to use this time to get a jump start on the daily housework so that I can get back into the Land of Yarn :)
06 February 2011
The Bridal Shawl
It was a lot of fun to make! It was also interesting to text measurements and pictures of the dress and take it from there. Though being OCD and a prefectionist when it comes to such things, it took me a while to decide just what to make. I took a bit of this, a bit of that, some ideas from pictures I saw and came up with a shawl that I want one of my own now! And, I also learned the picot stitch. Wow! I'd always seen them and thought they'd be difficult so I avoided them like the plague. OMG they were EASY!
Truth be told, I haven't been crocheting all that long and never crocheted anything akin to lace and amazed myself with what I came up with. Yes, some of it was trial and error. At one point I had to rip out 2 days worth of work on the back part. But it was a lot of fun! And I think that because it was fun and it was a project for a dear and wonderful friend that I loved making it.
The Front
The Back
Close up of the tie (though the flash was way too bright)