06 February 2011

The Bridal Shawl

I've been working on a bridal shawl for a good friend of mine. We've known each other .. wow, about 20 years now. We lost touch for a little while. Move here, move there, off to college, etc etc. These things happen when you're between 17 and 25. The down side is that we live in FL now and she's in TN and we can't make it to the wedding - too far to travel (especially since our car is dead). So, what's a crafter with a friend getting married to do? .... I made her a shawl to go over her strapless dress incase it's cold.

It was a lot of fun to make! It was also interesting to text measurements and pictures of the dress and take it from there. Though being OCD and a prefectionist when it comes to such things, it took me a while to decide just what to make. I took a bit of this, a bit of that, some ideas from pictures I saw and came up with a shawl that I want one of my own now! And, I also learned the picot stitch. Wow! I'd always seen them and thought they'd be difficult so I avoided them like the plague. OMG they were EASY!

Truth be told, I haven't been crocheting all that long and never crocheted anything akin to lace and amazed myself with what I came up with. Yes, some of it was trial and error. At one point I had to rip out 2 days worth of work on the back part. But it was a lot of fun! And I think that because it was fun and it was a project for a dear and wonderful friend that I loved making it.

The Front

The Back

Close up of the tie (though the flash was way too bright)