20 September 2011

LTNS Blogspot!

Been so busy I haven't had 2 seconds to myself to sit and blog!

Well, we're all moved into the new place as of the first of August. Our issue is finding room to fit everything since we went down in sq ft and in closet space. We've gone through all the boxes, unpacked and repacked some things. And I'm missing a box of finished crochet goodies that all I had to do was photograph and then post for sale on Etsy :~( Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! (ala Lucielle Ball)

There were also, unfortunately, other things in the box like my pretty colored buttons for some of the things that needed to be photographed. And before we left the old place both my husband and I did more than one walk through each! So disappointed!


Trying not to let it get me down, so I've been working on some new things (check out the shop and the facebook page). Hopefully I'll have things to put up on Etsy as well as a stash because I'd like to do that Fall craft fair again that I did last November. Hopefully being in a new place with a new out look will get me going to get things done .. in a timely manner! Easier said than done with school back in full swing and a teething toddler. But I'll get there! :)

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